

like the morning fog.

"how do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? 
your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone."

a dense fog covered the earth like a blanket of snow this morning. a fog so thick, my mama would say you could cut it with a knife. visibility was limited; i had to slow down just to see the stoplights.

as i made my way to work, the fog reminded me of an ever-present state in my life: worry. i couldn't see the path i was taking because of the fog, yet i knew in a matter of just one hour, i would be able to see clearly again. worry is like the fog; it clouds our mind, judgement, and faith, when we know good and well that God is in the midst of the struggle, right beside us.   

why do i worry? worry is nothing more than putting my trust and faith in that which i am concerned about instead of trusting that God will work everything out for my good. when i look back at my life and remember all the things i've worried myself sick over, i see that God worked it out. maybe not my way, but His way, which is infinitely better for me than anything this world has to offer.

life is so short... but a breath. like the morning fog.
yet i choose to spend some days worried about the little things. i choose to believe the same ol' lies that the enemy throws my way. i choose to trust in my fleeting circumstances instead of the constant Almighty.

but i'm tired of the fog.

so today... i choose to surrender. i lay my worries and concerns at the foot of the cross, trusting that God will provide, protect, and prevail.

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