

praise God so much.

i posted here about beginning my journey as a sponsor for a child through the compassion ministry.
last week, i received my first letter from my sponsor child!
excitement, tears, and laughter followed opening that sweet letter.

she drew me a picture. excitement
the first line of her letter stated "praise God so much." tears.
she was praising Him because she lost her first sponsor and shortly after, God provided her with me. more tears.
she closed the letter with a simple question: "are you a man or a woman?" laughter.

this little girl has changed my life, and i've never even met her.
she is always in my prayers and thoughts.

i was recently researching the meaning of her name (kwagala) and i came across this blog.
in luganda, "kwagala" means "love". 1 corinthains 13 was referenced for more on the context.
i immediately purchased a necklace and received it in the mail yesterday.

now i carry her with my everywhere i go.


  1. I think you'll be happy to know that I spent a few months in Uganda about three years ago and met a lot of children who had been sponsored through Compassion. Some of them are able to attend university because of their sponsorship and further provide for their younger siblings. It was amazing to see how that program is truly changing the lives of young Ugandans. Bless your heart for helping your little African sister in Christ :)

  2. I want you to know that I am crying while I'm sitting at my desk at work... thanks, Amber! :)

  3. This whole post is beautiful. I would like to sponsor a child soon.!


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