

happenings from the weekend.

>> friday
i went on a motorcycle ride for the first time! the wind in my hair, the freedom, the open road - i loved it.
it marked one month left of tax season!!!! << yes, that constitutes four exclamation points.
the spring trees' blooms opened up, showing their magnificent beauty.
we left work early, and i went for a walk around the pasture only wearing a t-shirt & jeans. spring is awesome.
i got a (fake) tattoo.

>> saturday 
i tried frozen yogurt for the first time. i'm a fan.
i went shopping with mama and she stopped in a random parking lot so i could get a picture of the pretty trees.
i tried starbucks' new hazelnut macchiato . hello, yum.

>> sunday
mama stopped in a parking lot (again) so i could get a picture of two blooming trees.


'twas a great weekend.

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