

life, currently.

end of tax season + four days off work + revival at church = a little blogging break. but i'm back now!
the past week has been full of activities, none of which involve taxes or payroll sheets or bookkeeping. hallelujah!

here is a little summary of my life, currently:

- i finally finished the last season of friends! when rachel was standing at the door saying, "i got off the plane", cue the waterworks.
- netflix is sending me the office, season one. i'm a huge steve carell fan in large part to one of my favorite movies, evan almighty.
- castle. this has turned into a mild obsession. i heart rick castle.

- achy breaky heart. in my defense, while eating at pizza hut the other day, i had a bit of nostalgia as i sat near the jukebox that i used to feed quarters to when that song was highly popular. i was reliving my adolescence. that's my excuse.
- highway don't care. ohhhh, this song. it makes me want to roll down the windows, open the sunroof, and drive for hours on an open road with the wind in my hair.
- ride by kayla conn. this will be my twenty-thirteen summer anthem. rollin' to the soundtrack of our lives.
- this is what you do by bethel live. 

lots of things. how thankful i am for the sunday school class i get to teach. this is not where i expected this opportunity to go, but God has turned it into a huge blessing. / and i'm thinking about how old people say whatever they want and sometimes it's funny, but when you're on the receiving end of hateful comments, one right after the other, it's not so funny anymore. / and i'm thinking about opening an etsy shop for my design prints. / also on my mind is the influence network. have any of you joined? i'd love feedback.   

- the weekend. (that's a given though)
- girl time with alisia.
- VBS! i realize this is over two months away, but it's my favorite.

- love does // bob goff.
- is everyone hanging out without me? // mindy kaling.
- 99 thoughts about junior high ministry.

- i have 100 followers on GFC!
- making lists. dorky, but so fun.
- this awesome, oh-so-comfy jean jacket.
- starting my mornings with prayer and a little Jesus time.
- our pond is full! praise the Lord for the rain!
- this elf liquid eyeliner in copper. it's a gold glitter and i really like it.
- and, as always, coffee.

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