

ponderings of the heart.

  • your witness is not just face-to-face interaction. it's what you post, tweet, write, blog, etc. your online witness is just as important as what people see in person.
  • would we talk to others the way we talk to ourselves? you wouldn't tell someone they are ugly. you wouldn't tell someone they are a failure. so why do we tell ourselves those things? how we think is how we live. if we go around telling ourselves negative things, we will live negative lives.
  • i'm not gonna lie: last night's earthquake scared me. i thought Jesus was coming back. 
  • i am one of those people who will not listen to Christmas music, decorate, or put up the tree until after thanksgiving. no exceptions. but as i type this, i'm listening to Christmas music. times are changin'. 
  •  mcd's vanilla iced coffee is the bomb dot com. seriously.
  • there's no such thing as a "little prayer". our prayers are ALL important. He answers all prayers in His perfect time. He cares about every aspect of our lives, however big or small they may seem to us. 
  • if Jesus did return last night, do you know where you'd be right now? 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the Christmas decorating. I can only handle one holiday at a time!


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