

blogging rut = random thoughts.

i'm in a blogging rut and can't think of anything to write about, so here's a post of randomness.

  • the pictures i take with my iphone baffle me.
    i remember when the flip phone came out, and it was the best thing since sliced bread.
    now we have phones with cameras that are basically mini-computers. case in point:

  • my mama got me a starbucks gift card for Christmas last year. awesome.
    but then it got even more awesome.
    you can reload the card and get rewards and points.
    points = free stuff. free drink on my birfday. free refills on certain drinks.
    check out the website for more info.

  • today is my last friday of tax season. after today, i go back to working four days a week. winning.

  • you know when you hear a song, buy it on itunes, and then listen to it 16 times in one day?
    that's what i did (and still doing) when i heard "take me there" by trip lee, featuring jimmy needham.
    do yourself a favor and buy it. 

  • i am currently reading four books. why i do this to myself, i'll never know.
    so i decided to finish this one before i continue the other books.
    when i started reading "Jesus + nothing = everything", i had no idea the author was billy graham's grandson. embarrassing.

and these are some of the things that are floating around in my head.
if you are still reading this, go buy yourself a cupcake. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why, but random posts are my faves :) I'm so jealous of all you Instagramers. Can't wait for my next phone upgrade!


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