

little notes.

dear one tree hill:
today is an emotional day. for years, you have been my favorite show. we've shared tears, laughter, shock, and love. tonight is your final episode. i'm not gonna lie: i'm slightly devastated. i've watched the entire series more times than i care to admit. when the characters felt something, i felt it with them. i was ecstatic when peyton showed up at the airport. i was sad when keith and 'q' died. i was happy when haley told lucas she was in love with nathan. i was terrified of psycho derek and nanny carrie. i couldn't stop laughing when haley slapped rachel. my heart stopped, and i completely lost it when dan died and keith was there. this is more than a tv show; it is therapy. i have all the seasons on DVD, so i can watch anytime i want. there won't be another show that will replace it because there is only ONE tree hill.

dear starbucks:
could you puhleeeease put a location in cushing, america? with my current discovery of the oh-so-deliciousness of tazo passion tea lemonade, you wouldn't have to worry about business being slow.

dear jason aldean:
of all the songs on alllll your albums, "fly over states" is the best one. yes, THE best one. here's why: "
on the plains of oklahoma / with a windshield sunset in your eyes / like a water-colored painted sky / you'd think heavens doors have opened / you'll understand why God made those fly over states." whenever i hear that, my heart could burst.

dear target:
you will be the death of my bank account. i must stay away.

dear readers:
i know i say this every time, but thank you for your continued interest in my little blog. to be vulnerable, open, and honest [on the internet] can be intimidating sometimes, but your comments and prayers are good for my soul.

dear Savior:
in the midst of the storm, You are with me. though the wind tosses about, Your love calms me. though the waves crash against me, You are my stronghold, my Lighthouse. i have joy and peace in my soul that can only be from You. to think that in a few days, thousands of years ago, You were nailed to that cross. "my sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross. and i bear it no more." while You were on that cross, You thought of me... me. i can hardly fathom it. my soul hurts, yet rejoices. because of Your sacrifice, i will praise You for eternity. oh my soul, rejoice.

1 comment:

  1. After reading this post I am fully certain that we are soul sisters. Thank God for Instagram and the lovely poeple I have met, you are at the top of that sweet list!


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