

over the weekend.

this picture pretty much sums up my weekend. mama and i had a girls' weekend, complete with yummy mexican food, uncontrollable fits of laughter, and a little dollar store shopping. i scored big time in there, you guys. jumbo eye pencils and nail polishes for $1 make me happy, happy, happy! i'm rockin' that polish right now and it's my new favorite. mostly because the name, saved by the blue, reflects one of my favorite tv shows/decades.

would you believe that this is the first magazine i've read in years? during my early twenties, i had subscriptions to every trashy tabloid magazine known to man. there came a moment when i realized that i was essentially paying money to read gossip. well, standing in line at walmart the other day, i saw this mag. no gossip, no "how to keep your lover" crap; just fashion. i flipped through a few pages and decided to give it a try. i am so glad i did! i have pages bookmarked, clipped out, and saved. i am inspired to take risks and find my own style. in fact, i was so inspired that i had a moment this weekend where i decided to start a fashion blog. i am still considering it

i'm not afraid to admit when i'm wrong, so i need to confess something. i kinda got a little too big for my britches and realized that my ad sponsorship fees were too high. it was bugging me all weekend and after reading this post by oh, sweet joy, i knew that i had to lower the prices. i don't do social media shoutouts or sponsor features on the blog, so i dropped the prices to a more sensible amount. you can check out the new rates here. i also added an ad swap option for the next couple months. for those interested, enter code: bihpswap.

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