

hamburger cupcakes.

i made these adorable "hamburger cupcakes" last fall, so i thought i'd share the recipe.
it's super easy and seriously cute. the kids can even join in on the process!

you'll need:

- 1 box of white cake mix
- 1 box of chocolate cake mix
- 2 cans of frosting

bake chocolate cake as directed. let cool. bake white cupcakes as directed. let cool.
cut cupcakes in half. cut circles out of chocolate cake to make the 'meat'. mix frosting in 3 different bowls with red ('tomato' or 'ketchup'), green ('lettuce'), and yellow ('mustard' or 'cheese') food coloring. then put it all together. (i found using the back of a spoon works best for add the frosting)

VIOLA! "hamburger cupcakes" :)


  1. Thank you for the comment on my post! I love those dresses too. They've all been added to my Christmas Wish List for Hubs. lol. These look adorable and delicious! Definitely going to be trying my hand! :)

    Digger ~xoxo~

  2. Who knew these were that easy to make!!! I bought some like this last year already made for my husband's birthday...hahaha...

  3. I've seen these a few times, your version is awesome! Love how cute they are!

    Found you through Follow Fest, check out my blog if you're interested! I'm hosting my first give-away!

    My Growing Obsessions


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