

a month in review // june.

[insert long sigh] june was a busy month to say the least! between falls creek and vbs, i think i was away from home more than i was there. but looking back, i wouldn't have it any other way. it's so funny - a year ago today, i started teaching sunday school. i didn't know a thing about kids. i didn't know that i would grow to love each one and appreciate their differences and personalities. i didn't know that i would learn so much from them. i didn't know just how much i want kids of my own. i serve an awesome God, lemme tell ya.

- "under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors."
- i am competitive when it comes to sports. i may not be any good, but i'll always try!
- it's not what people call you; it's what you answer to.
- when you think something is silly for junior high/high schoolers, think again. it'll end up being their favorite thing. #VBSlessons 

- falls creek!
- my vscogrid went live.
- VBS!
- welcomed the arrival of summer with italian ice
- many pictures of beautiful, blooming summer flowers were taken. be still, my heart.

popular posts:   falls creek 2013 // in the hurricane // summer lovin' 

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