

put it on my tab.

picture this: i'm driving to stillwater, singing along with the radio. then i hear an odd sound, like rocks clinking together very loudly, coming from my left rear tire. before i can even process a thought, my tire service light comes on. (now normally, it comes on when we've had a change in temperature. i have dad check them, and all is well.) the numbers don't state the normal range: 32-35. it's at 24, 23, 22, 21.... oh, snap. i immediately pulled over and all i hear is sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. now the number is 0. awesome.

i called my mama, and told her what happened. dad was eating, but dropped everything to come help me. i can't even tell you how relieved i was to hear him say it was repairable, and i did the right thing. i am telling you all of this because i have to brag on my daddy even more.

you see, he put the spare on and then handed me his keys. he didn't want me to drive on the spare, so he took my car back to cushing for me. i didn't even ask him to do that. furthermore, after working an extra hour and a half, he fixed my tire after closing. he didn't get home until 8:30 last night. (for those of you who don't know, my daddy owns a tire business in cushing.)

he didn't have to come and help me. i have onstar.
he didn't have to give me his truck. the spare was fine.
he didn't have to fix my tire last night. he could've done that this morning.

but he did. he did it without complaint or hesitation. that's just who he is. his kindness is almost unheard of these days. i am thankful for a daddy who is selfless and humble. there's a phrase i tell him every time he fixes something on my car: "put it on my tab."

you can't tell, but it's totally flat.
 my hero!
 he's the greatest!

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