

over the weekend.

scenes from the weekend:

we have two bunnies that come out to play around dinnertime every night. they are adorable.


 wish i knew what this was. it's so vibrant.

 pine cones.

 this is the weirdest but coolest thing ever.

biggest dandy evah.

 prettiness in tulsa // fuzzy
thistle // clouds

 prettiness + clouds
wish i knew what that was called // that one, too

can ya tell i love flowers? // randomness growing in the pasture
bubba's truck

5 tidbits of wisdom:
- daddy saved the day again. he fixed mama's tire. obviously he does it for a living, but still. he's my hero. 
- beware of thinking the grass is greener on the other side. it could be astroturf. 
- grilled corn on the cob is outta this world.
- "Jesus, friend of sinners" by casting crowns is a great song!
- yesterday was my spiritual birthday. 5 years ago, i received the best present anyone could ever imagine: eternal life with Jesus.

4 posts i'm currently lovin':
- this post by tamara erbacher photography. (her little man's curls - sigh.)
- this post by hannah at honestly here.
- this post by gary at new life'n

3 things i'm looking forward to this week:
- i start teaching sunday school next sunday! (more on this later)
- making the crafts for VBS.
- seeking the Lord's direction for a possible new situation.

2 random facts about me:
- my burps put grown men to shame. 
- i won 3rd place in my 5th grade science fair.

1 thing i read:
" but God does not just sweep life away; instead, He devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from Him." 

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