

what's in my bag?

after months of patiently waiting for the THEIT bossi bag to come back in stock, 
i barely managed to snag one before they sold out in 30 minutes.  
my quick mouse-clicking ninja skills come in handy sometimes

here is what's in my bag:

ipod, wallet, keys, sunglasses, notebook, to-do list, iphone, car key.

pencil, migraine meds, change, adorable zip drives, gum, transformers band-aids, lotion.
and an extra starbucks sleeve. just because.

bobby pins, clippers, hair ties, lipstick, balm, brush.
i'm convinced there is someone who breaks into my house just to steal my bobby pins. 
or maybe there are fairies who like to take them and make you think you're crazy. 
mission accomplished, little bobby pin fairies!

when i go on a shoot, my lenses and camera fit right in there. 

what's in your bag? leave a link to your post in the comments. 
i always like seeing what women carry in their purse!


  1. love this post and love the bag!!!! :)
    Can't wait to share what I carry in my new bag next week! Have a happy weekend!!!

  2. That is a really cool bag! I love your elephant change purse! :)


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