

over the weekend.

5 tidbits of wisdom i learned:
- it is perfectly acceptable to have a "boy band" dance party by yourself at any age.
- if you haven't rode a bicycle in over 10 years, be prepared to be sore in odd places.
- a bible treasure hunt is so fun.
- our words are a matter of life and death.
- "God will never give me more than i can handle" is misleading. truth is: we can't handle anything without God. adversity and tough times drive us closer to God. He did say that He would never leave us or forsake us. "if He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it".

4 things i'm thankful for:
- having the ability to journal my thoughts and hopes and lessons learned.
- taco bueno soft tacos.
- not crashing and burning while "test-riding" my new bicycle in walmart. close call.
- finishing a book!

3 things i learned about myself over the weekend:
- i am most content with the Word and an iced coffee in hand.
- my "great ideas" usually end with me having random bruises all over my body.
- i am okay with being single while everyone else is getting engaged, married, and having babies. you know what all those things have in common when celebrated? cake. and I LOVE CAKE.

2 blog posts i'm currently lovin':
- this post by my beautiful friend, cassie.
- this post by jon acuff.

1 thing i read:
"tolerance doesn't mandate conformity to other's beliefs." -mark matlock.

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