

sunday school, take two.

remember last sunday morning?
remember how i was trying too hard?
remember how i felt defeated afterward?

i am ecstatic to say that didn't happen this week.
all the glory and praise goes to my Jesus.

all week, i prayed about sunday morning.
i prayed i would be hidden behind the cross and that Jesus would shine.
after all, it's not about me. [lesson learned]

this week's lesson was on philip and the ethiopian.
philip acted with haste to the Holy Spirit's guidance and in the end, the ethiopoan came to know Christ.
philip didn't question or ask why, he just went. he acted in faith.

the kids listened and answered the questions. [just when you think they're not paying attention, they really are.]
their memory verse for the week is: "everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved." -romans 10:13. 
and to my amazement, three of the kids had last week's memory verse [pretty much] memorized!

at the end of the lesson, i brought in "bible pool".

the bible has 66 books, which can be broken down into different divisions.

old testament:
  • law - genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy
  • history - joshua, judges, ruth, 1 & 2 samuel, 1 & 2 kings, 1 & 2 chronicles, ezra, nehemiah, esther
  • poetry - job, psalms, proverbs, ecclesiastes, song of songs
  • major prophets - isaiah, jeremiah, lamentations, ezekiel, daniel
  • minor prophets - hosea, joel, amos, obadiah, jonah, micah, nahum, habakkuk, zephaniah, haggai, zachariah, malachi
new testament:
  • gospels - matthew, mark, luke, john
  • church history - acts
  • paul's letters - romans, 1 & 2 corinthians, galatians, ephesians, philippians, colossians, 1 & 2 thessalonians, 1 & 2 timothy, titus, philemon
  • general letters - hebrews, james, 1 & 2 peter, 1, 2, & 3 john, jude
  • prophecy - revelation

the object of the game is to name where the book of the bible is located and then "shoot" it into the correct bag.
they had to use pencils to shoot, which made it fun.

the kids loved this game! i had so much fun watching them get into it and work together.

thank you, Jesus, for reminding me Who it's all about.

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