

a note to my mama.

you have many titles: wife, mama, daughter, sister, friend, child of God, bookkeeper, treasurer, sunday school teacher, vbs director, mender of your daughter's broken heart after a boy was mean. you have the heart of a servant, always willing to go the extra mile. you are one of the strongest women i have ever met. God gave me the biggest blessing when He chose you to be my mama, best friend, confidant, and shopping partner in crime.

over the past ten months, i have witnessed a new journey in your life. last august, you made the decision to get healthy. our evening walks and new recipes brought new experiences to our relationship. our shopping trips gained a whole new level of fun and completely different clothing departments for you. when you stepped on the scale last week, and it showed your were 60 pounds lighter than when you began, i was proud of you. i am so proud of you, mama. no one told you to lose weight - you made the decision and with lots of prayer, a new diet, and exercise, you did it! you are an inspiration for all of us.

you are my best friend. you make the best turkey meatloaf. you are superwoman, and the dentist is your kryptonite. though you be little, you are a firecracker, which is true in more than one way because your birthday is the fourth of july. you keep me laughing with your little dances and intentional misuse of grammar. thank you for putting up with daddy and i during sooner football season. thank you for constantly pulling over or into a parking lot so i can get a picture. thank you for always trying new things with me, like fro-yo (which you loved) and chinese (which you did not love). and thank you for the (long) time you loved me during what i like to call 'the great rebellion', the times you told me no, the times you did what was best for me, and the times you sacrificed your own needs for my wants.

happy mother's day, mama. i love you so much! 

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