

tidbits of life.

>> home sweet oklahoma. after the tornadoes hit, the images of loss, sadness, pain, and hurt were unreal. the aftermath of destruction left a deep wound in the hearts of oklahomans and many others around the nation. but then the stories of survival, volunteers, and heroes took over. it showed me that there is still good in this broken world. i cried every time a survivor praised God on live tv. He is there. it will take a long time for clean-up and healing, but we will do it together because that's the oklahoma way. we are oklahoma strong. 

>> i started studying the book of ruth. what a woman of faith. i'm only into chapter three, but God is showing me areas of my life that need a change. He's working in my heart and molding me. it's not always easy to see the not-so-good things about yourself, but that's the beauty of His life-changing grace. it can take the hardest of hearts and make it new.

>> coffee time is my favorite time. [made with the new a beautiful mess app]

>> i started a series on my small town fashionista instagram and tumblr. each week, i will post what i am diggin' at the moment. join in on the fun and tag what you are currently diggin' with #STFweeklydig and follow along to see the current weekly dig!  

>> boomer wasn't sure what to think of the swimming fishies on the ipad. she hit it one time, and then decided she was over it.

>> smashchicken and smashfries. it was a party in my mouth. ahhhhh, i can't even explain those fries. out of this world.

>> rosebush at my grandma's house.

>> harry potter & a hairy kitty. can we just discuss HP for a second? i always heard about the books when i was in school. my parents never told me i couldn't read it, but i heard from other people that it was not christian-like to read it. fast forward to present day. i decided to give the first book a try. after finishing the book, i felt the same way after i read the hunger games: i need to read the other books NOW! yes, there is magic in the book. no, it doesn't make me want to go become a witch. it's a work of fiction. it kept me turning the pages because it was creative and well written. i liked it so much that i bought the other six books yesterday. so what's the big deal? if you are against harry potter, please tell me your reasons. i'm eager to hear both sides.

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