

ponderings of the heart.

all day long, i have read status after status, tweet after tweet regarding veteran's day.
but as i sit here... i feel like it's just not enough.

our veterans deserve more recognition than a few days out of the year. they should always be honored. they have seen terrible, horrendous sights and experienced conditions always described as "hell". they pay with their time, missing important days like birthdays and actual birth days. can you fathom your husband not being there for the birth of your child? what if your wife were overseas, in a war zone, while you celebrate your child's fifth birthday? you can try to imagine it all you want, but there are families who live it every single day. their loved ones fight for this country, paying with their time, and some... with their lives.

but you won't hear them complain. when you thank a veteran or soldier, they humbly nod, usually saying that it's their job. just like i chose to work for my grandma and just like you chose your current employer, men and women chose the united states of america. and they know the job description when they sign up.

they are brave and selfless. they are heroes.

out of the 365 days on the calendar, let's honor our past, present, and deceased military members 365 days.

when you go throughout your daily life, remember the freedoms you have weren't free. 

if you have served or are serving this great nation, thank you for your selfless act of bravery, for protecting the freedoms we so easily take for granted, and thank you for being totally and completely awesome. i pray for you and your family every day. you are true american heroes!

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