

over the weekend.

5 activities:
- started the she reads truth: advent bible plan.
- soaked up the 75-degree december weather. whaaaat?
- enjoyed a spur-of-the-moment shopping trip with mama saturday evening.
- had an impromptu photo session with myself. see outtakes here, here and here.
- did a little happy dance in the pharmacy aisle and almost tackled two guys who probably think i'm a whack-a-doodle. but i have a good reason: excedrin migraine is back on store shelves! (if you suffer from migraines, this is an answered prayer)

4 lessons learned:
- listening to mama order at starbucks is the cutest thing.
- it's okay to say no.
- comparing your path with someone else's is like comparing cars and trucks; they're not the same, but they get you where you're supposed to go.
- "the only people who get mad at you for speaking the truth are those who are living the lies. keep speaking the truth." lauren demoss.

3 things i'm thankful for:
- online shopping.
- she reads truth blog.
- cassie and renee. these ladies are such a blessing to me.

2 things i'm currently diggin':
- the Christmas lookbook from walk in love.
- dunkin' donuts' pumpkin spice coffee.

1 thing i read:
"put Christ back in Christmas? what about starting with putting Christ back in Christian?"

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